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Forever Love♡



詩經說「執子之手,與子偕老」台語則稱妻子為「牽手」, 意味著牽起伴侶的手一起圓滿相伴到老。我的媽媽告訴我, 她年紀越大越能瞭解到“牽手”的意義。 (圖片為爸爸媽媽在北京鳥巢)
"The Classic of Poetry" (11th-7th century B.C.) says, "Holding your hand, grow old together". In the Taiwanese dialect, the term for wife literally means "holding hands". This is a picture of my Mom and Dad at Beijing Bird's Nest. Although it's blurry, I think it captures the essence of this phrase.



長年以來我的世界只有音樂,但音樂的路是孤獨的。一個人寫歌,錄音,不停地旅行,"家" 就是一件大行李箱。 我寫了很多關於 “需要人陪” 和 “音樂吉普賽” 的歌 反映我對感情,和家庭生活的渴望。 我希望以後我熱愛的工作和我渴望的生活能兩者兼顧,兩全其美。 當然,更重要的是,我終於願意改變了。

Over the years, this job has at times been very lonely. Writing, recording, constantly traveling, "home" has been, more often than not, my huge suitcase I affectionately named, The Refrigerator. Many of my songs are about "needing someone" and being a "music gypsy" reflecting my long held hopes for love and family. Finding that balance between passion for work and creating the life I so long for has been quite a journey, but now, I'm finally ready to make a change and have the best of both worlds.


這幾年你們在微博上最多留言是 “趕快找到你的 Forever Love”。 我很幸運遇到了一個可以牽手,共度未來 的女孩子。 因為她不是娛樂圈人,所以你們還不認識她,但我也不希望你們從別的管道認識。 她的名字是李靚(jing) 蕾,今年27歲,目前在哥倫比亞讀研究所,王爸爸媽媽都很喜歡她,希望你們也是。 The past few years your comments here have often been about "hope you find your Forever Love". I'm lucky to have met a girl to hold hands with and share my future. She's not in the entertainment business so you don't know her, but I also don't want to create the opportunity for rumors so… her name is Lee Jinglei, she's 27 years old and a graduate student at Columbia. Wangbaba & Mama love her and I hope you will too.


ずっと一緒にいたいと思える人に出会えて、Leehom 本当によかったね♡



2013年11月27日 14:15に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「玉川チキンライス同好会自由研究 at 夢飯 西荻窪」です。



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